Database design tools for PostgreSQL

List of tools that allow for the design of a database.

Database design is a set of activities aimed at improving the development, implementation, and maintenance of an enterprise data management system. Its main goal is to reflect the outline of the database system into real models: physical and logical. Database designers determine what data is to be stored inside the database, and how objects are to be related to each other.


SqlDBM offers an easy, convenient way to design a database absolutely anywhere on any browser, working away without need for any extra database engine or database modelling tools or apps.

Desktop/Cloud: Cloud
Generate DDL scripts: Yes
Free edition: Yes
ER Diagram: Yes


Dataedo is a metadata management tool with data description language (DDL) export. It reads your schema and lets you easily describe each data element (tables and columns) and other database objects (like triggers, stored procedures, etc.) visually as ER diagrams. Additionally, DDL export allows you to export your database to a set of statements like CREATE and ALTER.

Desktop/Cloud: Desktop
Generate DDL scripts: Yes
Free edition: No
ER Diagram: Yes
DDL Export

Aqua Data Studio Entity Relationship Modeler

Aqua Data Studio Entity Relationship Modeler (ER Modeler) helps in designing database models and uses the Forward Engineer feature to model entities and convert them into SQL Scripts, or Reverse Engineer existing databases to visualize a database model.

Desktop/Cloud: Desktop
Generate DDL scripts: Yes
Free edition: No
ER Diagram: Yes

Visual Paradigm

Visual Paradigm provides a tool to create and communicate visual database design with professional ERD tool.

Desktop/Cloud: Desktop
Generate DDL scripts: Yes
Free edition: No
ER Diagram: Yes


Vertabelo is a database modeler that gives you the power of visual design of databases online. It allows the user to generate metadata of the database and write comments for the database objects.

Desktop/Cloud: Cloud
Generate DDL scripts: Yes
Free edition: No
ER Diagram: Yes


Lucidchart is a quicker tool to design and maintain a properly functioning database. It makes it easy to organize database tables, including keys, fields and relationships.

Desktop/Cloud: Cloud
Generate DDL scripts: Yes
Free edition: Yes
ER Diagram: Yes

DeZign for Databases

DeZign for Databases uses ERD and data models to graphically design databases and automatically generates the most popular databases.

Desktop/Cloud: Desktop
Generate DDL scripts: Yes
Free edition: No
ER Diagram: Yes


DbWrench helps in creating and modifying databases quicker and easier. It streamlines many common database tasks and supports many operating systems and databases in a single license.

Desktop/Cloud: Desktop
Generate DDL scripts: Yes
Free edition: Yes
ER Diagram: Yes

DbDesigner with a friendly and fast UI helps in designing a database without writing SQL. You can start from scratch just like creating a UML diagram or import an existing database. Then you can use our powerful features to save time and reduce errors. You can share and collaborate with your team. When you are finished, you can generate an SQL script in one click.

Desktop/Cloud: Cloud
Generate DDL scripts: Yes
Free edition: Yes
ER Diagram: Yes is a free, simple tool to draw ER diagrams by just writing code. It is designed for developers and data analysts.

Desktop/Cloud: Cloud
Generate DDL scripts: Yes
Free edition: Yes
ER Diagram: Yes


Quick Database Diagrams (QuickDBD) is a simple online tool to quickly draw database diagrams by typing.

Desktop/Cloud: Cloud
Generate DDL scripts: Yes
Free edition: Yes
ER Diagram: Yes


DbSchema is a intuitive designer for complex databases, visual interaction and documentation.

Desktop/Cloud: Desktop
Generate DDL scripts: Yes
Free edition: No
ER Diagram: Yes

Moon Modeler

Moon Modeler is a visual database design tool for both relational and noSQL databases. The key features include the visual design of hierarchical structures, MongoDB script generation, various display modes, possibility to add custom notes to the diagram, and more. For PostgreSQL, MariaDB and MongoDB reverse engineering features are available.

Desktop/Cloud: Desktop
Generate DDL scripts: Yes
Free edition: Yes
ER Diagram: Yes


DBeaver is a free multi-platform database tool for developers, SQL programmers, database administrators and analysts.

Desktop/Cloud: Desktop
Generate DDL scripts: Yes
Free edition: Yes
ER Diagram: Yes


SQLGate is an integrated database management and development solution that simplifies the construction and operation of databases. It makes it easier and quicker to deal with databases holding large amounts of data.

Desktop/Cloud: Desktop
Generate DDL scripts: Yes
Free edition: Yes
ER Diagram: Yes

The database design process can be very complicated. The more complex the system, the more sophisticated the tool is needed. Their functionality can vary greatly, however, core features include:
• creating and editing database objects,
• database architecture modeling,
• visualization of a database schema,
• tracking relationships between entities,
• grouping logically related objects into clusters,
• diagrams overview.

Database designer tools enable building graphical models and generating DDL scripts on their basis. The script describes data and relations between entities in the designed database. Furthermore, the tools enable reverse engineering (visualization of the model from the SQL script).

Key factors of creating a reliable and well-organized database are:
• a properly designed data structure,
• establishing what data should be stored in particular objects,
• how objects should be related to each other.

All of them can be improved by using the relevant Database design tool. Additionally, some of them allow the visual representation of data using ERD, makes it easier to visualize even more complex schemas.

Without proper software, development is based on raw code. This increases the risk of errors at the initial stage. The tools allow users to edit the visual layout using simple drag-and-drop functions. With a user-friendly interface, browsing the structure is possible even for non-IT people.

We have created a list of tools that support the process of creating database structure and its content. Our list includes free database design tools as well as advanced, more professional data management tools.