Schema compare tools for Firebird

List of database schema compare and synchronization tools.

Idera DB Change Manager

DB Change Manager tracks and manages complex database schema changes and complies with database audit and reporting requirements. It protects data privacy within the database environment and track changes from multiple major database platforms.

Runs on: (for desktop): Windows
Schema sync: Yes
Data compare: Yes
Data sync: Yes
Commercial: Commercial
Free edition: No

Altova DatabaseSpy

Altova DatabaseSpy is the unique multi-database query, design, and database comparison tool that even generates elegant charts directly from query results.

Runs on: (for desktop): Windows
Schema sync: Yes
Data compare: Yes
Data sync: Yes
Commercial: Commercial
Free edition: No

Altova DiffDog

Altova DiffDog is a database content comparison and schema diff/merge tool. It allows you to diff databases of the same type as well as the content of equivalent tables and entire database schemas in different database types.

Runs on: (for desktop): Windows
Schema sync: Yes
Data compare: Yes
Data sync: Yes
Commercial: Commercial
Free edition: No

Database Comparer Tools

Database Comparer helps to compare, synchronize and update databases structure using highly intelligent and robust synchronization algorithm. You can compare one database with another database or database with SQL/DDL script or even two SQL/DDL scripts.

Runs on: (for desktop): Windows
Schema sync: Yes
Data compare: Yes
Data sync: Yes
Commercial: Commercial
Free edition: No

EMS DB Comparer for InterBase/Firebird

EMS DB Comparer for InterBase/Firebird is an excellent tool for InterBase/Firebird database comparison and synchronization. It allows you to view all the differences in compared database objects and execute an automatically generated script to synchronize structure of InterBase/Firebird databases and eliminate all or selected differences.

Runs on: (for desktop): Windows
Schema sync: Yes
Data compare: No
Data sync: No
Commercial: Commercial
Free edition: No

Database Workbench

Database Workbench provides database comparison where you can compare development with production databases and get a change script. You can also compare databases even across different database systems, with automatic data type and default function mapping.

Runs on: (for desktop): Windows
Schema sync: Yes
Data compare: Yes
Data sync: No
Commercial: Commercial
Free edition: Yes


jOOQ schema diff is an online version of jOOQ's programmatic or CLI schema diff tool, allowing for quickly generating the necessary DDL scripts to get from one version of a schema to another.

Runs on: (for desktop): -
Schema sync: Yes
Data compare: No
Data sync: No
Commercial: Commercial
Free edition: Yes

ERBuilder Data Modeler

ERBuilder Data Modeler allows developers to graphically design databases by using entity relationship diagrams, and automatically generates the most popular SQL databases. It also allows developers to easily deploy databases by offering a sophisticated visual data modeling environment.

Runs on: (for desktop): Windows
Schema sync: Yes
Data compare: No
Data sync: No
Commercial: Commercial
Free edition: Yes