GUI tools for SAP SQL Anywhere

Graphical user interface (GUI) tools consist of an interface that includes visual components such as buttons or icons, through which the user interacts with electronic devices. The biggest advantage of graphical user interface is an improvement in usability for the average person. It gives the ability to perform various tasks on an electronic device, without any programming knowledge.

DeZign for Databases

DeZign for Databases is an intuitive data modeling tool Visualize database structures to understand your database, create new databases or reverse-engineer existing databases to modify, document, analyze, and optimize. The software uses entity relationship diagrams (ERDs, data models) to graphically design databases and automatically generates the most popular databases.

Desktop/Cloud: Desktop
Free edition: No
Schema design: Yes
Commercial: Commercial
Forward engineering: Yes
Reverse enginering: Yes

Visual Paradigm

Visual Paradigm offers ERD software, a database design tool that provides graphical representation of database tables, their columns and inter-relationships. With Visual Paradigm's ERD tool, you can edit database view in a visual editor.

Desktop/Cloud: Desktop
Free edition: No
Schema design: Yes
Commercial: Commercial
Forward engineering: Yes
Reverse enginering: Yes


RazorSQL is a software application that provides both easy to use visual tools and advanced features to allow users to do database browsing, editing, management, administration, and programming.

Desktop/Cloud: Desktop
Free edition: No
Schema design: No
Commercial: Commercial
Forward engineering: No
Reverse enginering: No


DbSchema is a universal database designer and GUI tool that provides a diagram-oriented database designer for relational and No-SQL databases. Using DbSchema, you will interact with the database using the mouse. Even if you are not an SQL expert, you will be able to create new tables, columns, or foreign keys, explore the data from multiple tables, create reports or generate test data.

Desktop/Cloud: Desktop
Free edition: No
Schema design: Yes
Commercial: Commercial
Forward engineering: No
Reverse enginering: Yes

SQuirreL SQL

SQuirreL SQL Client is a graphical Java program that will allow you to view the structure of a JDBC compliant database, browse the data in tables, issue SQL commands, etc.

Desktop/Cloud: Desktop
Free edition: Yes
Schema design: Yes
Commercial: Free
Forward engineering: No
Reverse enginering: Yes

Model Xtractor

Model Xtractor is a software utility designed to inspect modeling for traditional or enhanced ER models, with support for most relational database platforms. It lets you hide, collapse, or minify table/view shapes. Bypass intersection tables and show conceptual many-to-many connectors between shapes.

Desktop/Cloud: Desktop
Free edition: Yes
Schema design: Yes
Commercial: Commercial
Forward engineering: No
Reverse enginering: Yes

The key feature of GUI tools is to present system resources, in graphical objects, that are easy to find, understand and use. Through these elements users have an easy access to interact with and manipulate available functions. They allow us to speed up the most frequent tasks in the easiest and most accessible way.

We prepared simple data modeling tools as well as more advanced GUI tools for visually designing and managing databases.