GUI tools for Netezza

Graphical user interface (GUI) tools consist of an interface that includes visual components such as buttons or icons, through which the user interacts with electronic devices. The biggest advantage of graphical user interface is an improvement in usability for the average person. It gives the ability to perform various tasks on an electronic device, without any programming knowledge.

Aqua Data Studio Entity Relationship Modeler

The Aqua Data Studio Entity Relationship Modeler (ER Modeler) helps you design physical database models for all major RDBMS vendors and versions. It uses the forward engineer feature to model entities and the reverse engineer feature to visualize a database model from existing databases. Besides that, the schema compare tool functionality within the ER Modeler allows comparing ER models.

Desktop/Cloud: Desktop
Free edition: No
Schema design: Yes
Commercial: Commercial
Forward engineering: Yes
Reverse enginering: Yes


RazorSQL is a software application that provides both easy to use visual tools and advanced features to allow users to do database browsing, editing, management, administration, and programming.

Desktop/Cloud: Desktop
Free edition: No
Schema design: No
Commercial: Commercial
Forward engineering: No
Reverse enginering: No


DbVisualizer is a smart and powerful database tool aimed to simplify database development and management for database administrators and developers. It lets you create and manage the database visually. Generate SQL code by drag & drop and copy & paste it into other applications.

Desktop/Cloud: Desktop
Free edition: No
Schema design: Yes
Commercial: Commercial
Forward engineering: Yes
Reverse enginering: Yes

The key feature of GUI tools is to present system resources, in graphical objects, that are easy to find, understand and use. Through these elements users have an easy access to interact with and manipulate available functions. They allow us to speed up the most frequent tasks in the easiest and most accessible way.

We prepared simple data modeling tools as well as more advanced GUI tools for visually designing and managing databases.